Measurements on-site
Basically, the general Austrian Corona rules apply. These are currently 2m distance + FFP2 mask wearing obligation. Except during the exercise of the competition. How these will look in June, we will share with you in time.
From June 10th, there will apply a new entry regulation that makes entry possible for many European states without quarantine.
This means all athletes from the countries listed in Appendix A do NOT need an invitation letter from us. The countries of Croatia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden and Cyprus are part of this list now, too. Also the registration for the entry to Austria only needs to be filled out when entering from high-incidence and virus variant areas or when entering without certificate (3G rule – tested, recovered, vaccinated). Here you can find all the details for your entry to Austria.
For athletes from other countries, the entry is only very limited or not possible. If this concerns you, please contact us.
As already announced, the site will be modified and cordoned off this year. Access to the athletes’ area and registration (starting number pick-up) is only possible with the ‘3G rule’.
3G Rule means:
Tested: Antigen testing 48 hours or PCR testing 72 hours.
Recovered: People who have already had a disease are exempt from testing for six months from the date of recovery or antibody test which is not older than three months;
Vaccinated: vaccinated with an approved vaccine. 22nd day and no longer than three months after initial vaccination or nine months after the second (or only necessary) vaccination.
The bike check-in and check-out, the start and the finish area are located in the closed competition area. In this ‘bubble’ there is an area where each athlete can be accompanied by one person. This companion must be registered here beforehand and also fulfill the 3G rule.
Test station in Walchsee
At our Expo located at the center of Walchsee there is the possibility to get tested for Covid (COVID-Antigen test). A pre-registration is not necessary. Find the opening hours of the Expo in the time schedule.
For No-Austrian people a test costs €25,-. Austrians can get tested for free by showing their e-card.
Registration (starting number pick-up)
Access to the registration is only possible if you fulfill the ‘3G-rule’.
These forms (printed out and filled out) must handed in when you pick up your start number.
In addition you have to bring the following:
- Photo ID
- You have to know your starting number (the start lists will be available on our website before).
- Annual triathlon license for Athletes starting at the European Championship race.
ATTENTION: all athletes competing in the open races have to show an AUSTRIAN year license or have to purchase a day license of the Austrian federation. If you haven’t booked your day license at the time of registration, you have to pay it in cash on site. (please bring the exact amount!)
Only accompanying persons who have been registered in advance can pick up their wristband to have access to the competition area.
The EXPO will be located at the center of Walchsee which means it is outside the bubble. So it will be accessible to spectators and everyone outside the bubble. The same rules apply as in shops (currently 2m distance + FFP2 mask).
Catering and Side-Events
Unfortunately there will be no side-events like our legendary Kaiserschmarrn Party and no Award Ceremony this year.
After crossing the finish line, however, we will make sure that all athletes receive a catering package that they can take with them. If we can also offer food for your companions, we will adjust to the current regulations at the end of June.
Safety and ability to plan are top priorities. Details will follow once the general Corona rules are known.