We are using the Austrian Triathlon Competition Rules from the Austrian Federation. (ÖTRV Sportordnung 2024 in the currently valid version)) for all categories and age groups.

The ÖTRV Sport Regulations can be found on the ÖTRV website or under this link.


We have provided the checklist below for convenience to make sure everybody is prepared to have a great event.

  • Read the Race Information Guide in its entirety.
  • Familiarize yourself with race week schedule.
  • Ensure you arrive in time for Athlete Registration from 10am – 7pm on Friday, June 21st or
    Saturday, June 22nd  2024 from 9am – 5pm
  • Check the start list to see if your data is correct (if something is not correct, please send an email to
  • Check out the online race briefing, available on our website from Friday  June 21st.
  • Bring your annual licence of your Triathlon Federation to the registration. If you do not have an annual licence, please bring a photo ID.
  • Make sure that your emergency contact can be reached in case of an emergency and that the data provided is correct.
  • Make sure your (health) insurance is up to date.
  • Make sure you have packed all the necessary equipment for the forecast weather.
  • Take into account road closures on race day.
  • Inspect the race site and course in advance of the race (it is your responsibility to know this on race day).


If you have any unanswered questions, our staff on site will do their best to help you or send an email to However, we ask for your understanding that we cannot answer all emails immediately during the race week.

For information about the event, please contact our staff at race number pick-up.

For questions about leisure activities in the area, bookings and planning, please contact the staff at Kaiserwinkl Tourist Info Walchsee (Dorfstr. 1)
or at


You can check the current water temperature under this link.

On the day of the competition, 1 hour before the start, the water temperature will be measured by the jury and ONLY THEN will it be decided whether the competition will be swum with or without a wetsuit.

The regulations are:

24.6° C and above wetsuit ban
15,9° C and below wetsuit compulsory

Between 15.9° and 24.6° athletes can decide for themselves whether to swim with or without a wetsuit.


For the Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee you can use the public parking spaces in Walchsee. There are no reserved parking spaces. You can see the location of the parking spaces on the overview map. Make sure that you obey all signs and do not park on the bike or run course on race day. Towing costs are to be paid by the owner of the respective vehicle.


The Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee Sport Expo is located in the centre of Walchsee at the Musikpavillon.
It is open daily (see schedule) and offers entertainment and a large selection of sporting goods to browse through, as the perfect opportunity for last-minute shopping and expert talks with the experts behind the brands.


If you need a bike service, then come to our bike service at the Expo area.
Minor repairs can be carried out on site and for a fee.
A free ’emergency service’ will also be offered on Sunday morning in the transition area. Material costs are to be paid independently in cash after the race at the bike check out without request.


The team of the Wittlinger Therapiezentrum offers a massage service both before and after the event.
You will find the team on Saturday and Sunday in the multipurpose hall Walchsee. (Aleestr. 24)

Saturday: 03.30 pm until 07.00 pm

30 minutes for € 20,00

After the race the massage team offers a free 10-minute massage in the multipurpose hall Walchsee (Alleestr.24).

Also the Reboots team offering a free massage at the Expo with their Reboots.


Your safety is of utmost importance to us. If you are unsure about your ability to complete the race or are not feeling 100% physically fit in the lead up to the event, Challenge highly recommends you seek medical advice from your doctor. Basic first aid is available throughout event week. If you require medical attention we recommend that you visit our Information Desk or seek the assistance of event personnel.
Medical staff will be situated in a variety of positions on race day. These locations are as follows:

  • Swim Start
  • Swim Exit
  • Transition
  •   several spots around the Bike & Run Course
  • Finish & Recovery
  • Basic first aid support can also be obtained at the Bike and Run Aid Stations.

It is strongly advised that you have adequate personal insurance regardless of whether you are an Austrian resident or from overseas. We highly recommend that Austrian athletes hold valid private health insurance and that international athletes check with their travel insurance or personal insurance provider to confirm what they are covered for under Austrian legislation. All non-Austrian residents are not covered for medical costs or ambulance transport costs. If you have an accident you must pay for your own medical expenses and transport. Hence it is recommended you obtain adequate personal medical insurance or travel insurance with the relevant coverage.


The nearist hospital is the
Endach 27,A-6330 Kufstein
phone: +43 (0)5372 6966


Challenge will endeavor to provide sufficient directional signage across the event period to assist athletes for training and familiarization purposes.
At all times athletes must remember that their safety and the law is priority. Please do not risk either in the pursuit of course familiarization.
Below is further information on each leg for training and familiarization purposes.

We ask you to observe the following during your swim training in Walchsee.
Crossing the motorboat course is life-threatening and not permitted without exception!


Please adhere to traffic regulations when training on the bike course. Do  not ride  two abreast and obey all traffic rules. Being a competitor does not exempt you from the law. Be courteous to motorists.  Wear your helmet whilst cycling!

We ask you to drive carefully, especially in the smaller towns and back roads. The roads are not closed yet, it can happen, that children are playing on the street or tractors are on the way.
We ask you to not throw away any plastic of packing materials into fields an on the roadside during the training!


The 4 loop run course is a mixture of paths and roadways and follows the paths and roads along the lake Walchsee


ALL participants need a day licence of the Austrian Triathlon Federation, except participants with an anual ÖTRV licence or an annual licence from their national federation!

The day licence could be booked with the online registration. If you forgot to book your day licence, you can pay for it in cash when you pick up your race number.

Middle distance single: € 16,-.

Middle distance relay: € 6,-/starter

Aquabike: € 16,-

Aquathlon standard distance: € 12,-.

Participants of the Challenge Women and the Junior Challenge do not need a day licence!


The start number pick up and registration will take place in the multipurpose hall Walchsee (Alleestr. 24) at the following times:

Friday  June 21st
10:00 – 07:00 – Registration for all competitions

Saturday June 22nd
07:45 – 08:30 – Start number distribution for Junior Challenge only and
09:00 – 05:00 – Start number collection Aquathlon, Challenge Women, Middle Distance, Aquabike, Relays

Registration  is only possible during these times.
No registration after 05:00 pm on Saturday!
National annual licence and photo ID must be brought to the registration!

Please do not take your bike with you in the queue at the registration, as it can be a danger for other athletes. Plan your arrival so that there is time for unforeseen delays.
Please note: it is strictly forbidden for anyone to start under your name, or for you to start under someone else’s name: this may lead to suspension by the national federation and exclusion from all future Challenge races.

Included in the starter pack is:

  • Athlete wristband (must be worn from the time of registration until after the awards ceremony).
  • Swimming cap – compulsory to wear on race day
  • 3 helmet stickers (to be attached to the front, left and right side of the helmet)
  • Bike sticker (wrap around the seat post and stick the two ends together)
  • Body start number (compulsory on bike and run course)
  • 3 bags (red = bike, blue = run, green = street bag)
  • 3 stickers with the start number, to stick on the equipment bags
  • Starter gift (backpack)
  • Griaßdi voucher worth € 10,- (can be redeemed in 170 different businesses in Kaiserwinkl!)
  • Information from our partners


Your ID wristband must be worn at all times as this will be your entry to ‘athlete only restricted areas.’ This is your only means of entry to transition to rack your bike pre-race and to collect your gear and bike after the race.  Challenge will not allow access into these area’s without athletes wearing their wristband.

Age Groupers and Relays ID Wristband is to be worn until Sunday after Bike Check Out.


If you decide at short notice not to take part in the race or end it early, please inform an official, especially on race day.
Please help us to increase your safety!
After the finish you have to hand in the timing chip at the exit of the finish area.
Each athlete is responsible for returning the timing chip.
Not returned chips will be charged with 50,00 €.


The race briefing will be held online again this year, from Friday, June 21st, 2024 from 02:00 pm, it will be available on our website.

At the briefing you will get an overview of the course layout and the most important rules for the race day.

In addition, we will inform you about short-term changes and adjustments that deviate from the previously communicated information.

If you still have questions after the briefing, they will be answered by the organisers and technical officials on Saturday June 22nd, from 15:00 to 16:00 at the music pavilion on the Expo grounds.


The bike racks are numbered in ascending order.
For more information on what to do in the transition area, please see the TRANSITION section below.

Bikes MUST be checked into the transition area ONLY on Saturday June 22nd  between 04:30 pm – 07:00 pm.
The bike number must already be mounted on the bike and the athlete wristband must be worn. You also have to bring your bib number.
Without these requirements a check-in is not possible.

Take enough time on Saturday to inspect all the routes in the transition area.

For race specific questions our Vollunters will be happy to help you, for questions regarding the regulations please contact the team organisers, CHTO and TD.


Upon entering the transition area, your bike will be visually inspected by Technical Officials. This is not a guarantee of safety.
Athletes are responsible for the proper condition of their bike. Make sure that your bike complies with the rules before you arrive to avoid problems on site. Among other things, the following will be checked

  • Locks at the ends of the handlebars and the handlebar attachment
  • Functionality of the brakes
  • Conformity with the rules
  • If you have any doubts as to whether your bike passes this visual inspection, please visit the Bike Service at the Expo.


Cycling helmets are compulsory. They will be checked by the Technical Officials on Saturday 1st July when you enter the transition area.

In order to speed up the whole process, we kindly ask you to wear your helmet with the chinstrap already closed on your head when entering the transition area. The 3 helmet start numbers (front, 2x on the side) must already be stuck on the helmet.

Cycling shoes may be deposited on the bike or stowed in the RED transition bag.
Helmets and glasses MUST be deposited IN the RED transition bag.

Helmets must have the following features:

  • Test mark of a recognised test organisation
  • Personal modifications of any kind to the helmet are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, any tampering with the chin strap as well as the outer shell.
  • The helmet must not show any visible damage.

Helmets MUST remain in the transition area after check-in on Saturday.


In your starting documents you will also find 3 stickers with your race number for the ‘change bags’.

These must be stuck on the bags by the athletes themselves. There is a marked space on all bags for this purpose.

Volunteers and signage will help you find the right place for your bags during check-in.

Important information: The red bike bag is only used for the swim to bike transition (T1), the blue run bag is only used for the bike to run transition (T2).
You will still have access to these bags on Sunday morning!

The following are examples of what equipment might be in the bags:


The following competition gear is for the bike bag:

  • Cycling helmet
  • Bike shoes (or clicked in ON bike)
  • Race number
  • Sunglasses
  • Socks
  • Cycling clothes
  • Food and liquid (or on the bike)

This bag must be hung up at the assigned place in the transition area on Sunday morning at the latest!

The following items could go in the bag:

  • Running shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Cap
  • Socks
  • Running clothes
  • Food and liquid

This bag must be hung up at the assigned place in the transition area on Sunday morning at the latest!

Attention: no other items than those on the bike and in the two bags (red and blue) may be deposited in the transition area. These will be removed by the volunteers (e.g. objects placed next to the bike).

GREEN STREET BAG – drop off and pick up

In the Green Street Bag you will put all the utensils you need after the race.
On Sunday morning you can drop off the bag in the after race area. From there it is about 400 m to the swim start.
After the race you can pick up the bag there again.



It is compulsory to wear the start number on the bike and run course.
The start number must be worn so that it is visible at all times, on the back when cycling and on the front when running.
If a start number belt is used, the entire start number must be visible. The start number must not be folded, cut or manipulated in any other way.


On Sunday morning, the green street bags can be handed in at the After Race Area from 7.00 to 09.00 am and collected there again after the race from 12.00 to 05.30 pm.



  • The transition area will be open between 06:00 and 08:00 am
  • Athletes wristband
  • Bib number
  • Food to be attached to the bike


  • Provided official Challenge swimming cap
  • Timing chip (on left ankle)
  • Neoprene (if allowed)
  • Swimming goggles


  • Bike number neatly attached
  • Bike shoes (in bag or ON bike)
  • Bike Helmet
  • Race number
  • Sunglasses
  • Socks
  • Cycling clothes
  • Food and liquid (or ON bike)


  • Running shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Cap
  • Socks
  • Running clothes
  • Food and fluids


Stow all the personal items you need and enough warm clothes in the green Street Bag.


On race morning the transition area will open from 06:00 to 08:00.
After the race the transition area opens as soon as the last cyclist is in the transition area and is then open for check out until 05:30pm. No exceptions!

TRANSITION 1 (Swim to Bike)

After crossing the timing mat at the swim exit, you will run directly into the transition area.

In the transition area, take the RED BIKE BAG yourself from the rack, (The red BIKE BAGS hang in numbered order on a garment bag rack, make sure you really take your bag) and the athletes head to the transition tent.

Do not take off your wetsuit completely (max. up to the hips) until you are in the changing tent or at the exchange area in front of the tent( nudity and indecent exposure outside of the tent is prohibited). Separate changing areas for men and women in the tent are provided and marked. Put all your used equipment (including neoprene) back into your empty BIKE BAG, take it out of the changing tent and deposit it in the designated area after exiting the changing tent. Volunteers will then put the bags in their original place.

Before you take your bike from the transition area, you must put on your helmet and close the chinstrap. Only then are you allowed to take your bike from your transition area!

TRANSITION 2 (bike to run)

After finishing the bike, athletes must park their bike themselves at the place marked with their start number and leave the helmet on the bike or put it in the transition bag.

The helmet may only be removed or the chin strap may only be taken off when the bike is correctly positioned at your changing place.

Then the BLUE RUN BAG will be picked up and the athlete will go to the transition tent or transition area.

Please help the volunteers to help you by communicating in a friendly way what you need from them. Put all your used equipment back into your empty RUN BAG, take it out of the transition tent and deposit it in the designated area after exiting the transition tent. Volunteers will then put the bags in their original place. Please do not leave your bag in the transition tent as there is limited space and you will be penalised.


Used equipment MUST be placed in the red and blue bags and taken out of the transition tent.

IMPORTANT: The bike helmet must be worn with the chin strap closed at all times when you are in possession of your bike.
This includes the walk from the bike stand to the ascent line, and from the descent line until the bike is back on the bike stand.

Mountline/ascent line: Only get on the bike after the ascent line! NO exception!
Dismountline: Get off the bike before the descent line! NO exception!



Cut Off Time: 1 hours 10min after respective start time

Located in the Lake Walchsee the one lap swim course is undertaken in a clockwise direction.
Important information: the swim course crosses the motorboat and waterski line and is only safe on race day.


  • PRO ATHLETES will be able to warm up at the west end of the beach.
    The warm up area  will be accessible after 07.30 am once the Race Director has confirmed it is safe to do so.
    All Pro athletes will need to exit the water once advised by the Race Director.
  • AGE GROUPERS Age Group Athletes will be able to warm up at the west end of the beach.
    No swimming is allowed directly in front of Start Zone 1.

Age Group Athletes will be able to warm up from approx. 07.30 am once the Race Director has determined it is safe to do so.
They will need to exit the water by 08:15 am and be ready in their chosen Start Area. Please follow the direction of water safety at all times during warm up.


08:30 am: Start Pro Women
08:40 am: Start Pro Men
08:45 am:  Start Age Groups
09:05 am: Aquabike and Relay

PROS:                             BEACH START

Pro Athletes will be sent off in separate male and female wave starts from the beach.
This start area is located in front of the Age Group Start Zones.

AGE GROUPERS:                    ROLLING START

This year’s event will again incorporate a Rolling Swim Start, allowing Age group athletes to select themselves their Start Zones prior to the race start.
Each Start Zone will align to a different expected swim time with all Start Zones located at the beach.

There will be 4 different  Start  Zones  to  choose from depending on an athlete’s expected swim time.
These Zones are:

Zone 1.          < 30 minutes

Zone 2.        30-35 minutes

Zone 3.        35-45minutes

Zone 4.        46-70minutes and all relays and  aquabike starter

To  access  the  Start  Zones,  athletes  will  need  to follow  the  directional  signage  and  instructions  of event staff.

Athletes being released in groups of 8 athletes at a time over the start line and timing mat.
When an athlete crosses the timing mat the individual time is started.

The rolling start will continue from Zone 1 to Zone 4 until all athletes have crossed the timing mat and start the race.


There will be a large number of water safety personnel and craft on the water pre and during the swim. The water safety team is there to support you should you require any help. They will be resourced with an array of Rescue Boats, Surf Boards and kayaks.

At any time should you require the assistance of water safety please raise one arm into the air and they will come to your aid.

Should at any point an athlete decide to abandon the swim, they will be taken to one of the rescue boats. From there they will be returned to swim exit.


  • Footwear like stockings or socks covering the feet must not be worn for the swim leg (footless stockings are possible).
  • Race rules allow for competitors to stop or rest at any time during the swim
  • After the swim the wetsuit may only be removed to the hips, if nobody else is hindered, until one reaches the Changing Tent.




Slow down when entering Aid Stations, don’t stop! If you do not require any product from a Bike Aid Station please stay to the left of the roadway. There will be signs along the aid station listing what is on offer. Volunteers will also be advising what they are holding. Please help the volunteers help you by communicating politely your needs.

Please throw away any unwanted items between the Littering Zone Start Sign and Littering Zone End sign. Anything thrown away outside this marked area will be penalized with a DSQ.

There are 2 aid stations per bike lap, which are about 18 km apart.

Aid Station 1                             K  18

Aid Station 2                            K  34

Aid Station 3                            K  62

Aid Station 4                            K 78



Powerbar Electrolyte drink – Energize Lemon

Powerbar Bars (Energize Cookies & Cream; Energize Advanced Hazelnut; Engergize Advanced Chocolate

Energize Advanced Raspberry)




Littering Zone Start   –      Water   –   Iso   –   Riegel   –   Bananas   –    Iso   –   Water   –   Litterung Zone Ende


The bike course is closed for the event. However, there is motorised traffic by officials and the organiser, so you should always exercise caution and tolerance, especially when encountering vehicles.
You should take particular care at roundabouts and junctions. The Highway Code is in force throughout the race and will be monitored by police and officials. Special care should also be taken on exits and in narrow places.


Distance markers will be located every 10 kilometers along the Bike course.


NO bike support on the bike course

Personal bike support on the bike course is prohibited without exception.

However, athletes are responsible for carrying spare tubes and cartridges (and knowing how to use them!) in case of a flat tyre.

Four Seasons Broom Wagon

The Four Seasons Broom Wagon will pick up athletes who are no longer able to continue the race or will not be able to do so within the specified cut-off time.

If you require transport, please make yourself known to the officials on the bikes or a volunteer at the aid stations and they will arrange your removal. We ask you not to leave your position once transport has been requested to avoid the driver not being able to find you.

Attention: For safety reasons on the bike course, the broom wagon can only enter the bike course after the last cyclist.
We therefore ask for your understanding that there may be longer waiting times.


  • Drafting is not allowed (12 metre distance from front wheel to front wheel). Drafting is not prohibited on steep climbs and descents as well as in the area of aid stations. Overtaking is only permitted if the traffic situation allows it safely, and the overtaking process must be completed within 25 seconds. If this is not successful, the 12 metre gap must be re-established.
    The penalty for drafting is a 5-minute time penalty, which will be indicated by a blue card by the Technical Officials. The time penalty must be served in the Penalty Box on the bike course (near the end of the lap), on the lap in which the penalty was given!
    It is the athlete’s responsibility to serve the penalty, if the athlete does not go to the Penalty Box a disqualification will be given.
  • Picking up nutrition outside the official aid stations, as well as the acceptance of outside help in any form, is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification.
  • NO Mobile phone(s) or any other electronic listening communication device must be used, NO Headphones or headsets are allowed.
  • For environmental reasons, the throwing away of any objects (e.g. drinking bottles, cups, banana peels, packaging material,…) is only allowed in the marked area 50m before and 150m after the refreshment stations.
  • The start number must be worn visibly on the back throughout the entire bike course.


The Bike Penalty Box is located at the end of the Bike loop: Time Penalties are announced by showing a blue card: 5 minutes per booking.
The time Penalty must be spent in the next penalty box on the bike course. Athletes that do not report for their time penalty are disqualified.




The Run Course has 2 Aid Stations per loop, located approximately 2km apart.


Showers for cooling

Red Bull (will be supplied served in a diluted formula of 50% Red Bull and 50% water).


Powerbar Sportsdrink; (ISO Active Lemon)


Powerbar Gel (Fuel Gel 30 Lemon+ Caff Gel, Fuel Gel 30 Lemon )

Powerbar Bar (Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Advanced Hazelnut, Advanced Raspberry)





Littering Zone Start   –    Red Bull   –   Cola   –   Water   –     Iso  –   Bars   –   Gels   –    Fruits   –        Iso   –    Cola   –  Water   –    Littering Zone Finish

Slow down when entering Aid Stations. If you do not require any product from a Run Aid Station please stay to the left.

There will be signs along the aid station listing what is on offer. Volunteers will also be advising what they are holding. Please help the volunteers help you by communicating politely your needs. Feel free to move through the tables at your leisure and help yourself.

Please throw away any unwanted items between the Littering Zone Start Sign and Littering Zone End sign.


Distance markers will be located every 1 kilometer along the Run course.


  • The start number is to be worn visibly on the front of the body on the entire run course.
  • Running with a naked upper body is not permitted. Zips on the front must be predominantly closed. Straps must be worn on both shoulders.
  • Athletes who violate these rules may be stopped by Technical Officials and asked to correct this. Only then the athlete can continue the race. If the athlete does not comply with the request, he/she will be disqualified.
  • Pickup of food outside the official food stations as well as the acceptance of outside help in any form is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification.
  • NO mobile phone or any other audio/communication device may be used during the race, nor headphones or headsets.
  • For environmental reasons, the throwing away of any objects (e.g. drinking bottles, cups, banana peels, packaging material,…) is only allowed in the marked area 50m before and 150m after the refreshment stations.
  • Violations that are perceived by TOs outside the bike course (e.g. getting on the bike too early or getting off the bike too late, helmet rule, cycling in the transition area, etc.) will be punished with a time penalty of 1 minute, which is to be served in the penalty box on the run course (end of a run lap). For this purpose, a flip chart (white board) is positioned against the running direction at this penalty box, on which all start numbers of the participants affected with such a penalty are noted. It is the responsibility of each participant to check whether his/her start number appears there. If such a time penalty is not served, the participant will be disqualified.


(swim start to swim finish)

(Swim start until end of bike course)

RUN:                   8 HOURS
(Swim start to finish)

In addition, athletes may be withdrawn from the race at any time by a decision of the Race Director.
Reasons for this include, but are not limited to: medical, logistical, unforeseen events and/or gross violations of the rules.
If one or more legs (swim, bike, run) have to be modified due to unforeseen events, the Race Director may also set new cut-off times.



We ask all athletes to ensure that their cheering at the finish line does not interfere with the experience of other finishers.
Once you cross the finish line, you will receive your finisher medal. Volunteers will then direct you to the designated ‘Recovery Area’.

These volunteers will briefly check your condition and, if necessary, transfer you directly to medical treatment.
If you do not need such treatment, you can immediately proceed to the After Race Area.

There you will be given cold food, fruit and drinks in the designated areas. You can also pick up your green after race bag there.
Finisher shirts can be collected from the designated stand by all official finishers.
Please show your race number, your athlete wristband and your finisher medal. Unfortunately, you will not be able to re-enter the finish area once you have left it. Volunteers and the medical team are always available to assist you should you need their help.


From approx. 03:00 – 05:30 pm the transition area will be open to pick up your bike and transition bags. You will need your race number for this!

It is the responsibility of each athlete to deposit and collect their bags at the designated times and to mark them properly.
Uncollected bags will be deposited at the Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee race office.


Non-Official Results and any Disqualifications will be displayed from 6:30 pm in the Walchsee Sport and Event Centre.
Official Results will be available online via and on Monday June, 24th


Protest time: 04:30 – 05:00 hrs.

Any protests can be submitted in writing to the chairman of the competition jury (race office, Alleestr. 24) within the above-mentioned protest time using the protest form and stating the exact reason for the protest. Furthermore, a protest fee of € 40,- must be deposited.

A protest against a disqualification due to drafting (factual decision) is not possible.

FINISH LINE PHOTO is a partner of the event and offers an official photo service.
Photographers from are spread all over the race course, as well as at the finish line, of course.

What do you have to do?

Make sure your helmet number is visible from the front so we can identify you on the bike course.
Make sure your race number is visible from the front on the run course and at the finish line so we can identify you.
Smile and celebrate when you cross the finish line! Don’t worry about your watch, the timing system will do the work for you!
Go to to view, share or order your photos.


After the race, the massage team offers a free 10-minute massage in the Walchsee multi-purpose hall (Alleestr.24).


The top 3 of each Age Group m/f and the top 6 Elite m/f will be honoured.

Place: Music Pavillon (Expo Area) In case of bad weather conditions the awards presentation will be at the multipurpose hall Walchsee (Alleestr. 24)

Date: Sunday June 23rd, 2024

Time: 17:15 – 19:15 hrs

If you receive a prize but are unable to attend the award ceremony, please contact us in advance to arrange for the prize to be handed over. Prizes will not be forwarded.

There will be 6 slots for THE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2025 in each age group and there will be a roll-down to 12th place. The award will be made via email.


There will be a Lost and Found spot at the awards ceremony.

After the race you can send us an e-mail to to find any lost items. Shipping costs will be charged to the participant.


Other information can be found on our website. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at

We will reply to all emails as soon as possible, but please note that there may be delays during race week and the week after.



The starting documents can be collected by one team member, which means that not all 3 team members have to appear in person at the registration.


  • ID Wristband  3x
  • swim cap with the color of the respective discipline.
  • 2 race numbers: 1 for the cyclist and 1 for the runner
  • Race number stickers for helmet, bicycle and  transition gear bags
  • Timing chip + Velcro strip: This timing chip represents the relay baton and must be handed over to the next team member. Failure to do so will result in disqualification
  • Race Booklet
  • 3 Transition bags:
    Green Street Bag (Runner),
    Red Bike Bag (Swimmer),
    Blauer Run Bag(biker)


Before the start: Put your after-swim clothing into the RED clothing bag and deposit it in the pick-up zone on the Relay handover area, or hand over your bag to the cyclist, who then can take your bag to the transition zone and return it to the swimmers there.

Change to cyclist: The timing chip must be handed over to the cyclist within the marked ‘handover zone’.

Start: all relay swimmers start in zone 4



ATTENTION: the bike helmet must also be checked in on Saturday and and placed in the BLUE  bag on the designated bag stand.

Before the start: Put your clothes (and everything you need after the race) into the BLUE bag and deposit it at the marked place in the transition area.

Change to runner: The timing chip must be handed over to the runner within the marked ‘handover zone’.

Start: Wait inside the marked “handover zone” for your swimmer and take the timing chip from them and run to your Bike.

Handover to the runner: The timing chip must be handed over to the runner within the marked ‘handover zone’. Take your BLUE bag and go to the ‘Recovery Area’ after the finish and refresh yourself with food and drinks.

Note: If you exceed the time limit of 5h 30 min, you may be withdrawn from the race.


Before the start: Put your clothes (and everything you need after the race) in the GREEN bag and deposit it eather in the After Race Area or have your cyclist take it with him/her to the finish area.

Start: Wait for your cyclist inside the marked “handover zone” and take the timing chip from him/her.

Finish: At the end of the race, go to the ‘recovery area’ after the finish and refresh yourself with food and drinks.


Swimmers and cyclists can wait for their runner at the start of the finish channel to cross the finish line together as a team.

Team Finisher Shirts: Finisher shirts for all 3 members can be collected from the After Race Area after the finish.

Swimmers and Cyclists:
Volunteers are only authorised to collectively hand out finisher shirts to the runner, so wait for your runner and you will get your well-deserved shirt!



For the Aquabike event the same rules apply as for the middle distance triathlon.


The race ends after the 2nd bike lap. Timekeeping takes place approximately 500 metres before entering transition zone 2.
The Aquabike finish line is clearly marked with a sign on the side of the bike course.
Aquabike starters can then park their bike in the transition area and enjoy their run through the official finish arch with our without shoes.



The Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee is a very family and spectator friendly race.
We recommend the following locations as the best and safest hotspots for spectators.

Swim start
08:30 – 09:00
The start of the race is always exciting!

Bike course
Walchsee centre, the best place for spectators on the bike course!
08:50 – 02:00 p.m.

transition area
T1: 08:50 – 10:10 a.m.
T2: 10:45 – 02:00 p.m.

Watch the athletes change from swim to bike and from bike to run!

Finish area/run course
Most of the action on the race course!
Finish area: 12:15 – 05:30 p.m.
Run course: 10:45am – 5:30 p.m.


To make sure everybody has a great day out, spectators are asked to make sure they abide by the following requests to ensure the safety of the athletes and health of the environment:

„„ DO make sure your athlete has read the Athlete Information Guide.

„„ DO make sure your competitor has read and understands the Triathlon Rules pertaining to this race, and has thoroughly read this booklet.

„„ DO  make  sure  your  competitor  keeps  his/her Competitor Bib secured to clothing and takes his/her  timing  chip  on  race  morning  as  this  race  is timed with a chip.

„„ DO  NOT  put  yourself  or  another  person  in  danger by  spectating  in  areas  of  obvious  risk.  Please remember although an event is on, it is not above the law and police will be monitoring the safety and wellbeing of everybody to ensure a great day out.

„„ DO NOT ride, drive or run beside a competitor on any part of the course.  This is  outside  assistance  and can lead to disqualification of that competitor.



Available online from FRIDAY June 21th, 2024 from 2.00 pm here.
Open questions will be answered by the organiser and technical officials on Saturday June 21st, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the music pavilion on the Expo grounds.